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It's not too late

It is not too late for you

The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:22-23

In January, we focused on the word "new" We are new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) He is doing a new thing in us (Isaiah 43:19)

And now here we sit, February. For many of us, we had such great plans for January. Maybe we were going to start a new healthier eating plan, or workout three days a week, or start that "Bible in a Year" reading plan. Perhaps we started strong, until January 17th (something I learned is known as National Quitters Day, the day most abandon their resolutions). Now we look back at our month, and maybe we don't see what we hoped to see when we made such bold declarations just a few weeks ago.

I have wonderful news for you, family. Our God is not bound by a calendar. He doesn't have to have a New Year Resolution to ignite a fire in your soul. The Lord doesn't have to wait til the next Monday to make you new. His mercies are new every single day. No matter what month or day of the week it is.

So, if you aren't where you wanted to be by February first, give yourself grace. Accept God's mercy just for you, just for this moment. Because of his unfailing love for you, you get to start again. Right now.

Good morning <3

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